Eranthis hyemalis
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,15 g
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Winter aconite - Eranthis hyemalis.
Plant height is 10-15 cm.
Flowering time: March.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z7.
1,0 g = 220 seeds.

Eranthis hyemalis

Name: comes from the Greek words "er" - spring and "anthos" - flower, and indicates early flowering.
The birthplace of spring flowers is Southern Europe: southern regions of France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria. It is found in forests under deciduous trees, on mountain slopes, and in well-drained alkaline soils. Flowering is very early, at the end of winter, right from under the snow. Moreover, the flowers appear first, and then the leaves. The flowers are open only during the day, in sunny weather, and in cloudy weather - the petals of the corolla are folded in the form of a house and protect the pistil and stamens from possible rain.
The above-ground part of the plant dies soon after flowering (late May - early June). Bare soil remains, in which the underground stem with nodules and buds is preserved. In culture since 1570.
It begins to grow under the snow, as soon as the soil thaws a little. At first the peduncle is arched, then straightens. The spring flowers are single, golden-yellow, up to 3 cm in diameter, and open only in the sun. They have 5-8 petals, which are actually a calyx.
Flowering lasts 10-15 days. After which narrow fruits with seeds are formed.
The plant dies off at the end of May, and in the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm, a tuberous, irregularly shaped rhizome, sometimes reaching the size of a small walnut, remains until next spring.
Location: light-loving, develop well in shaded areas. In low areas, spring flowers can die under the ice crust. Eranthis cilicica and Eranthis x tubergenii are less winter-hardy than winter aconit  (Eranthis hyemalis).
Soil: require light, nutritious soils with sufficient moisture and alkaline reaction.
Reproduction: mainly by seeds, since the formation of new tubers is insignificant. Seeds are sown immediately after collection or in autumn in shaded areas.
When sowing in spring, seeds germinate only after stratification. Stratify for 2 weeks at 1-2 degrees and 2-3 months at 2-3 degrees. It is possible to grow without stratification, but the seedlings will not be friendly. Pre-winter sowing is most preferable. Shoots appear in the spring, and in the first year only cotyledon leaves are formed, which quickly die. Therefore, it seems that the plants have died, but they manage to form small nodules, which germinate next spring and produce one true leaf. The nodules formed in the next season are dug up and planted in place at the usual time. In the spring of the third year, as a rule, they already bloom. Spring flowers can reproduce by self-sowing, forming large colonies. Shoots sometimes appear in places very remote from the plantings, as the seeds are carried away by ants. The planting depth of tubers is about 5 cm, the distance between them is 6-8 cm. Groups of plants are especially decorative; for this, place 3-6 tubers in one hole filled with compost mixed with a small amount of lime.
In suitable conditions, spring flowers can bloom well for 4-5 years in one place. It is important, after the above-ground part dies, not to allow the ground to become overgrown with weeds, and also not to trample this place.

Eranthis hyemalis, Talvine lumekupp

Eranthis hyemalis
Winter aconite. Bot.syn.: Eranthis hiemalis Salisb., Helleborus hyemalis L.

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